Thursday, 20 June 2013

Good News at Planning meeting tonight

20th June 2013

The revised application submitted to Three Rivers District Council to demolish the current building and build 65 dwellings on the Long Island site - was tonight again refused with no objections,  by the Planning Committee.  The refusal was proposed by Cllr Shaw, seconded by Cllr Mediratta, supported by Cllr Lloyd and Cllr Sansom.

At Cllr Sansom's request, the committee agreed that the Archaeological officer at Herts County Council will be consulted further about the their statement on the archaeological value of the site.

Following the vote by the committee to refuse the application, Cllr Shaw requested that the Conservation Officer at Three Rivers District Council be asked to review the recent decision to refuse to list this building.  It was agreed by the committee that this be put to the conservation officer.

Local resident Peter Waters delivered a witty and succinct 3 minute speech against the application.

We have no doubt that this is not the end of this story... so please watch this space for more information.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Ready for tomorrow night?

Here is the agenda for the meeting of the Three Rivers District Council Planning Committee meeting tomorrow night - Three Rivers House, Northway - 7.30pm
Hope you can be there to help defend another of our historic buildings scheduled for demolition and our only hotel.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

New application to be presented to the Planning Committee

Town and Country Planning  (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010

Application: Demolition of existing hotel and restaurant and construction of 65 residential units with associated accesses, basement parking and communal amenity space
Address: Long Island Exchange   Victoria Close Rickmansworth
Application No: 13/0480/FUL

This application is due to be considered by the Council’s Planning Committee on 20 June 2013. The meeting, which will be open to the public, is due to commence at 7.30pm at  Three Rivers House, Northway, Rickmansworth, Herts. WD3 1RL

You can view the plans by visiting the Three Rivers Districts Council’s website and using the Planning Online facility at the following web address:

And... if you haven't written yet, you can still write, up until the time of the meeting.