Thursday, 27 December 2012

Application Refused - Good News

Application 12/1794/FUL for the 'demolition of existing hotel and restaurant and construction of 92 residential units comprising 87 apartments and 5 townhouses with associated accesses, parking spaces and communal amenity' was refused planning permission on 21 December 2012 under delegated powers.  The full decision notice with reasons for refusal can be viewed via Planning Online

This does not mean that the developers will not appeal... so we still need to keep our eyes on this.  Suggestions for the next course of action...

1) Include the site in either the Town Centre conservation area or the Upper Nightingale Rd conservation area.
2)  Appeal to Greene King to keep the site as a much needed hotel and amenity for the future economic health of the town.

We will keep you informed!

Happy New Year everyone....

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Planning Meeting

It appears that the application for demolition of Long Island is not on the agenda for the Three Rivers Planning Meeting on 13th December.  We assume therefore that it will be on the agenda for the meeting planned for 24 January 2013.  We will post the date as soon as known

With regard to actually writing to Three Rivers District Council, we understand that every letter up until the planning meeting has to be logged.  So PLEASE KEEP WRITING!  If you know someone who you think would like to write in, please encourage them to do so.  We need as many letters to be sent as possible.

There is also a petition to sign at Riverside Pharmacy in Rickmansworth we would encourage you to sign - but letters work better and are logged individually!

Thanks for your continued support - you can also head on over to twitter and follow us there at @SaveLongIsland_